How Caversham Good Neighbours can help you
Caversham is a delightful place to live in. But getting around can be difficult if you are elderly or disabled. Even if your family is nearby, there can be times when you don't feel you can ask anybody to give you a lift to an important engagement, because life is getting so busy for them. And taxi drivers have to make a living and might not be able to give you all the attention you need in getting to a hospital appointment.
That's why we started Caversham Good Neighbours: to help those living in the Caversham district north of the River Thames.
Just ring 0118 948 3466 on weekdays between 9.30am and 11.30am and explain what you would like us to do and we will do everything we can to help.
If you would like someone to take you, say, to an appointment at the surgery or on a shopping trip, then we will fix for a driver to come over and give you a lift. Our drivers do this because they are genuinely interested and caring and you will find them very helpful. Please always let us have a few days' notice. After the trip, you will be invited to make a modest donation to help with the running expenses.
0118 948 3466 Monday to Friday 9.30am-11.30am

0118 948 3466
Monday to Friday