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Supporting Caversham Good NeighboursOur Charity relies solely on donations to pay all its running expenses. In the first place, we do receive voluntary donations from people using our service. But it would not be possible to provide the service without the generosity of those who give us additional financial support. This can be, for example, through legacies, help from local firms and collections organised locally. If you would like to help Caversham Good Neighbours reach out to members of the community who are lonely or have difficulty getting to appointments and you haven’t the time available to vounteer help, you may like to consider making a donation. This can be of any size whether once only or as a regular contribution. All donations from individuals can be increased if the donor is able to sign up to the Gift Aid Scheme. For those unfamiliar with Gift Aid, it provides a way for charities to reclaim the tax element of the donation from the tax authorities, provided that: The donor has completed the relevant form. The donor pays sufficient tax to cover this and any other gift aid donations. Caversham Good Neighbours was approved by HMRC as a charity for this purpose in June 2011. Any donor can complete a Gift Aid Form which can be downloaded from this website, or collected from a Driver, a Visitor or the person on duty in the office.This enables the charity to increase the value of the donations received. The Chairman or Treasurer will be happy to discuss the scheme with anyone who is unsure of how it works.
0118 948 3466 |
Monday to Friday